Welcome To A New School Year!

Please take the time to read the monthly newsletters thoroughly, as they are filled with important information regarding upcoming events. Newsletters (past and present), calendars, and menus may also be accessed on our website Please make sure to pick up the hard copy of your newsletter at the beginning of every month.


**Children must be at school by 8:45a.m.

**Check your child’ cubby container everyday.

**September is a 4 week tuition month (count the Mondays to determine the number of weeks).

**When signing your child in/out, you must sign your FULL signature. Signatures must be LEGIBLE so we are able to identify the individuals picking up/dropping off.

**Make sure your child has spare clothes at school. Promptly replace any used items of clothing.

**Children staying for nap must have a CRIB SIZE blanket. Blankets must be able to fit folded in your child’s nap mat. Blankets that are too big will be sent home.

**Share items are allowed WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS ONLY! All share items must fit in your child’s cubby. Books are allowed everyday.

**All jackets, sweatshirts, spare clothes, share items, books, etc…must be labeled with your child’s name. Growing Years is NOT responsible for lost items. LABEL EVERYTHING! Check our Lost and Found Box for missing items.

**Be sure to review the “What We Did Today” board in your child’s classroom to see what fun activities are offered each day. This is a great conversation starter with your child at pick up time!

**Make sure your child is coming to school wearing PLAY CLOTHES. We play hard and get messy! Paint, playdough, dirt and other goodies will get on their clothes. The children are encouraged to participate in many tactile and sensory experiences that are often messy, therefore children must be dressed appropriately when coming to school.

School Pictures

Ahern Photography will be here on Wednesday 9/8 to take school pictures. Look for picture packet envelopes in your child’s cubby the week before picture day. Please return your envelope along with payment by the morning of picture day. Pictures are purchased BEFORE photos are taken. All children will be included in our class photo (even those not purchasing pictures).

If your child does not come to school on Wednesdays you’re welcome to bring them in at 10am to have their picture taken. Our class group picture will be taken after all individuals.

Emergency Comfort Kit

If you haven’t already done so, please compile / update your child’s Comfort Kit and bring it to school A.S.A.P. Comfort kits should include pictures of your family, a comforting letter written to your child, and a variety of non perishable foods that your child enjoys / is considered a special treat. A book, a small notebook, a pencil and small games were other items suggested on our Comfort Kit instructions.

Family Picture

Bring in a picture of your family by Friday 9/17. Please bring a picture that we can keep at school all year long. These pictures will be laminated and placed in your child’s portfolio at the end of the year. Make sure your child is in the picture along with the family. Pictures should be no larger than 4″ X 6″.

We’re Collecting Apples

The Redwoods and Willows are collecting apples for special projects and activities during the week of letter “A”. Please bring in apples to share for these activities (2 or 3 per child). We need apples of all sizes and colors. We’ll be collecting apples from Sept. 7 – 10.


If you have any questions regarding tuition please speak to Miss Shalimar. If you need a monthly receipt for your tuition payments please attach a request to your tuition check. You only need to submit one request and after a monthly receipt will be provided for you. Receipts are sent out at the end of the month or when tuition is paid in full. Receipts should be picked up at the entrance of the main building.

It is suggested that you request a monthly receipt if you need a record for tax purposes or employment reimbursement programs.

Tuition may be paid weekly, bi-weekly or monthly and must always be paid in advance. Tuition checks should be placed in our tuition box located on the front desk. All cash payments should be handed directly to a staff member (preferably in the afternoon) and a receipt will be provided for you. Dependent care forms should be dropped off in the tuition box and picked up at the main entrance.


Your child’s portfolio is a compilation of photographs, art work, stories and observations that document their growth and development throughout the course of the year. Each family is required to contribute $40.00 for the cost of picture developing and portfolio materials. Sample portfolio’s are on display in the main building. We prefer the portfolio fee to be paid in CASH
(a receipt will be provided). The portfolio / supply fee goes directly to your child’s portfolio therefore we ask for cash payments. Please submit payment for your child’s portfolio by Friday 9/24. The portfolio fee was referred as the supply fee in your admission agreement.

Safety Drills

Throughout the year we will regularly conduct Earthquake and Fire Drills. We’ll teach the children when and where to use “Duck And Cover” and practice evacuating our classrooms in the event of a fire. Occasionally during these drills we will activate the alarm to familiarize the children with the sound. Conducting drills and educating the children on the proper way to react during an emergency is essential. Discussions of earthquakes and the sound of the alarm can trigger feelings of anxiety and nervousness in children. You may notice a change in your child’s behavior around the time of our practice drills. We recommend creating a safety plan and practicing drills at home as well.

Birthday Celebrations

Please keep your child’s birthday celebration simple. Do not bring pinata’s, goody bags or toys. Bringing a special snack is a great way to celebrate your child’s birthday at school. Our class will sing and make the birthday boy or girl feel special.

Some suggestions for birthday snacks: fruit salad, Jello cups, yogurt, rice krispy treats, ice cream cups, cereal bars, cookies, fruit snacks, popsicles, donuts. Please NO CAKE OR CUPCAKES or anything with nuts, as we have children with severe nut allergies. Please consult with your child’s teacher in regards to the number of students in the class.

Star Of The Week

Star of the week is a great way for everyone to get to know your child. It builds self-esteem and shows our class that everyone is special and unique. Every week we will have a new Star Of The Week. The week before your child is the Star we’ll send home instructions and ideas on how to decorate your child’s special Star Of The Week Board. Return your decorated board the start of their special week. During your child’s week, feel free to come in and share stories about your child with the class. You may also bring a special treat for the class if you so choose. Your child’s Star Of The Week board will be displayed in our classrooms for the entire week.

If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday or star of the week with a special snack, please provide pre-packaged, store bought treats as opposed to homemade. All treats must be NUT FREE.

Book Orders

When ordering books from our book clubs, please be sure to make checks payable to Scholastic Book Clubs. NO CASH will be accepted. Drop off your order form and payment in the tuition box. Orders can also be placed online (preferred).

Fall Fundraiser

On September 30th you’ll find Fall fundraiser information in your child’s cubby. There’s no obligation to participate. All profits from our fundraiser will go toward the purchase of items for our school. All sales are online and will be delivered directly to the purchaser.

Letter Box

Each of our classrooms has a special Letter Box. Please encourage your child to find an item at home that begins with the letter of the week and bring it in to share in our letter box. Be sure to refer to our calendar to see which letters we’re introducing each month. Having tangible items in our classrooms to represent the letter of the week help us reinforce our lessons and understanding of letters and their sounds. Please make sure your child is an active participant in finding something to bring, and remember to have fun!

Website–Facebook–Smug Mug

Want to know more about our staff? Be sure to check out our staff profiles on our website~ you can also access our past and present newsletters, menus and calendars.

Want to see current pics and video clips of activities happening in our classrooms? Visit our Facebook page~

Be sure to check out our PRIVATE photo sharing site at SMUGMUG.COM. Invitations to join our group on smug mug were sent to the email address you provided on your child’s photo/media permission form. If you did not receive an invitation to join Growing Years Preschool on, be sure to check your spam folder.

If you did not receive an email or would like to add an additional parent email address, please send us an email to [email protected] with your request to join. Be sure to check regularly to see updated photos and videos of our fun and exciting classroom activities!

Air Quality

As we approach fire season we will be checking the AQI (air quality index) daily to determine if it is safe for outdoor play. We will stay inside and play when the AQI is above 100. We may adjust our schedule to allow for outdoor play in the morning before the AQI becomes unhealthy in the afternoon. We run air purifiers in all of our classrooms daily and will run the air conditioners as well.


We’re sad to announce Miss Patricia will be leaving Growing Years. Miss Patricia is going back to school and will be focusing on her studies. We wish her all the best! Her last day will be 9/10. Miss Roxann will be assisting in the Maple Class until we find a new teacher to join our team.

We Look Forward To A Great School Year!
Miss Elli, Miss Michelle, Miss Jennifer