COVID-19 Protocols
We are closely following guidance from the CDC, as well as state and local officials and health authorities, as we take extreme care to maintain our safe, healthy school environment.
Our current health and safety practices include:

Protective Masks
Face coverings are required for any adult entering the building (all staff members wear them when working with children). Where required by law or licensing, children must also wear masks.

Taking Temperatures
We are screening everyone (staff, children, parents, visitors, etc.) upon arrival for temperature and evident symptoms.

Limited Classroom Access
To curb the spread of germs and control group size, we are asking parents and family members remain outside the school at all times.

Wellness Checks
Regular wellness checks are being conducted throughout the day. The parents of unwell children are notified immediately, to help stop the spread of illness.

Safe (and Still Healthy) Dining
We are now only serving pre-plated (or teacher-plated) meals to children.

Enhanced Health Practices
We’ve strengthened our already rigorous cleanliness and hygiene practices (such as more frequent hand washing, and increased cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of surfaces and items in classrooms).
Clean and Healthy
Good hand washing practices prevent the spread germs. We monitor children for signs of illness and notify parents immediately if their child is not well, to stop the spread of illness. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of classrooms is done with child-safe products.
Healthy Diets, Growing Children
Snacks are prepared in our kitchen and always cut to an appropriate size, per age group needs. At meals and snack times, children are supervised by a staff member. Our menus ensure a well-balanced diet, with safe and healthy food choices.
Playgrounds and Toys
We regularly disinfect toys and check them for loose or broken pieces. For children under 3, we check for choking hazards. Secure fencing surrounds playground areas, while safely designed fall zones prevent injuries.
First Aid
Our school is equipped to handle minor ailments and injuries (bumps, scrapes and bruises). If a child is injured during school hours, an injury report will be completed and sent home in the child’s cubby container. The parent may also be informed by a telephone call or at pick up. The bruise, bump or scrape will be cleaned and bandaged and a cold pack applied if necessary. The child will be given lots of comfort and loving care until he/she feels ready to continue the day. If the child has bumped his/her head the parent will always be called. In the event of a more serious health emergency the following procedure is followed:
- The parent’s are notified. If they cannot be contacted, the person listed as an emergency contact on the child’s record is notified.
- If no emergency contact can be located and the child needs further emergency care beyond what the school can offer, then the school staff is instructed to call 911.
- In the event of a major medical emergency the staff will call 911.
Prepared to Protect
Teachers receive regular training in safety procedures, while we follow strict guidelines for ratios to provide direct supervision of children at all times. Additional training is provided for various emergency scenarios, such as earthquakes and fire. Every classroom is furnished with supplies for emergency and evacuation situations. State standards are followed for CPR and first aid training.
Emergency Preparedness Plan
In case of a disaster such as an earthquake or fire evacuation, children will be supervised at the school site until a parent or emergency contact person picks up the child. Earthquake and fire drills are conducted throughout the year to familiarize the children with emergency procedures. First aid and emergency supplies are stored on site in case of a disaster. It is imperative that each child have a complete, accurate emergency/contact information form on file to insure the proper quick response by the school in case of a disaster or personal illness or injury.
Our emergency disaster preparedness plan has been developed and implemented so that we may insure the safety, health, comfort and speedy release of our students to their parents as soon as possible in the event of an emergency.
In case of an emergency disaster we will do our best to follow the plan no matter the severity of the situation. Our responsibilities are to provide safety and shelter. Other emergency disaster agencies may direct us to follow their plan upon assessment and evaluation of the circumstances. We will remain with our children until directed otherwise and/or until all are released to their respective families or authorized adults.
Emergency Response Plan
During a Fire – If children are inside a building, have them exit the safest doorway immediately and go to an evacuation area.
- Do not break open windows or doors, use only the main exit out of building
- Do not encourage the saving of objects (toys, jackets, food, cubby items, etc.)
During an Earthquake – If children are inside a building, keep them indoors and have them take cover immediately. Have the children:
- Get under a sturdy table/desk – duck, drop and cover, or
- Brace themselves in an inside corner away from windows, or
- Move to an inner wall or hallway
- Don’t encourage the saving of objects.
- Grab anything on hand (coat, blanket) to shield their heads and faces from falling rubble and breaking glass.
- Stay indoors and do not rush outside. The greatest danger from falling debris is just outside doorways and close to exterior walls.
If children are outside have them stay there.
- Move children away from the path of falling walls, power poles, trees
- Stay away from metal fences; fallen electrical lines
Designated Evacuation Areas
An emergency evacuation plan is posted in the main building (above thermostat). Teachers will take the daily attendance records with them and evacuate children to the safest, closest area:
- Children in the classrooms will be evacuated to the playground and meet at the fence behind the play structure.
- Teachers will take head count/attendance to verify all children have been evacuated.